CardLogix offers a range of technologies and products for the Integrated Hospitality and Gaming industries. CardLogix presently supplies millions of smart cards to specialized betting equipment manufacturers and resort operators for a variety of applications. The company also maintains strong relations with custom integrators and player tracking companies to offer a more complete solution set. CardLogix can also support your card programs with a complete range of printing and fulfillment options.
CardLogix contactless cards, protected memory cards, and straight memory cards are currently deployed in over 300 different gaming and hospitality venues.
Smart Cards and Software
By building your system with smart cards you can enable every touch point to your customers. This includes key cards for rooms, stored value for use across all venues, player tracking systems, and digital identity for online use.
CardLogix cards are supported by industry standard middleware and CardLogix Trakplex® and Printplex® APIs and libraries. Trakplex helps you design and implement flexible and modular smart card systems that can grow with your needs, supporting multiple functions, applications, and card readers—all while maintaining high security. Designed with price points for every level of functionality, the issuer can build a system that meets all of the GSA and HIS standards of interoperability and messaging. Additional technical information regarding our cards and Trakplex is available under a Non-Disclosure Agreement. The Printplex API and data station enables card issuers to manage the complexity and encoding of smart cards with simple function calls that can be included with most card issuance packages.
CardLogix has developed the strongest method of age verification for online gaming available today. This is based on the power of our smart cards combined with well-built biometric technology.
For more detailed information, please review our gaming literature:
- Multi-factor Age Verification for Online Gaming White Paper
- How it Works: The CardLogix Process
- Age Verification FAQs
- CardLogix: Smart Cards for Online Connectivity
- Cashless Gaming Evolution from TITO to Smart Cards
- Why Smart Cards for Gaming and Hospitality
- Driving Successful Card Loyalty and Stored Value Programs
We can also supply both mag-stripe and smart key cards for Ving, Cisa, Saflok, Kaba, and TimeLox door locks.
Magstripe Cards
CardLogix offers a full line-up of magnetic stripe (mag-stripe) cards with options that range from blank white cards to full custom printing for your player tracking, room keys, employee badging, and retail gift programs. Both flush mount and roll-on mag-stripe assemblies are available. Cards are offered in Tracks 1,2,3, and 5. Our variety of cards includes the CR-80 and CR-50 sizes in 20 and 30 mil. CardLogix uses only high quality PVC, provided in mirror or matte finish options, as well as a combination of the two. Mag-stripe color options include red, green, blue, silver, and gold. CardLogix incorporates years of experience and manufacturing expertise into every mag-stripe card shipped. Full quality control is performed on all cards. Magnetic stripes are also offered as an option on all CardLogix smart and contactless cards.