Athena Smartcard Solutions announced yesterday that its ASECard smart card successfully completed the “SCCC Smart Card Minidriver Logo Ready” program for Version 6 smart card minidrivers. Minidrivers are “device drivers” for smart cards as implemented in the Windows Smart Card Framework. In obtaining Microsoft certification, Athena assures Windows customers best compatibility and a highly secure solution.
Athena has worked hand-in-hand with the Microsoft Smart Card Certification Centre in the European Development Centre to certify a card minidriver that meets the required quality level of the upcoming Windows Vista SP1 logo program for Version 6 smart card minidrivers. Windows Vista SP1 introduces an update to the Windows Smartcard Framework that supports more flexible PIN prompting and PIN entry options, including support for multiple PINs, PIN cache control and PIN entry through external devices such as PIN entry devices and biometric PINs. Athena is first to implement Minidriver Version 6 to accept Match-on-Card fingerprint biometrics in addition to PIN, enabling for the first time, biometric smart card logon on Windows Vista.
“The creation of a certification program for smart card minidrivers and smart cards is one of the key pillars of Microsoft’s Windows Smart Card Framework and part of Microsoft’s ongoing and broader investment in identity and security. The program is complemented by our efforts around the Microsoft Identity Lifecyle Manager solution, which provides IT organizations with policy and business process frameworks to manage smart cards,” said Dustin Ingalls, Director of Program Management: Windows Core Operating System Division. “We would like to congratulate Athena on the successful participation in the “Logo Ready” early adopter program for V6 smart card minidrivers. The ASECard Crypto smart card is a perfect example of how the Windows Smart Card Framework enhances the security and user experience in Windows Vista.”
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