Berkeley, February 1, 2003 – Hive Minded today shipped Smartcard.NET™ 1.0, an innovative new multi-application, multi-language smart card reference platform. Smartcard.NET has been designed to deliver the numerous advantages of the Microsoft designed, ECMA-certified .NET framework on a smart card platform.

The technology includes:

  • A .NET virtual machine
  • A embedded version of the standard .NET library
  • An extensive testsuite for the VM and libraries to guarantee conformance to the Smartcard.NET profile
  • Tools for uploading .NET code the Smartcard.NET
  • Complete documentation for the VM, binary file formats, remoting protocols, supported libraries, and runtime semantics
  • Example programs

The reference implementation was shipped to Hive Minded’s licensees, including SchlumbergerSema, the world’s leading smart card provider.

About Hive Minded

Hive Minded is a privately held startup based in Berkeley, California. It produces software to enable the deployment of .NET technology in a variety of embedded devices. Smartcard.NET is its first product. Hive Minded has considerable experience in the smart card industry, and one of its founders was the original designer of Javacard 1.0. For more information, visit

About SchlumbergerSema

SchlumbergerSema is one of two business segments of Schlumberger Limited, a global technology services company. With more than 30,000 employees serving customers in 65 countries, SchlumbergerSema aggregates IT consulting, systems integration, managed services and related products to the oil and gas, telecommunications, energy and utilities, finance, transport and public sector markets. In 2001, Schlumberger revenues were $14.3 billion. For more information, visit

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