Fingerprint Identification

Fingerprint Identification is the method of identification using the impressions made by the minute ridge formations or patterns found on the fingertips. No two persons have exactly the same arrangement of ridge patterns, and the patterns of any one individual remain unchanged throughout life. Fingerprints offer an infallible means of personal identification. Other personal characteristics may change, but fingerprints do not.

Fingerprints can be recorded on a standard fingerprint smart card or can be recorded digitally and transmitted electronically to the FBI for comparison. By comparing fingerprints at the scene of a crime with the fingerprint record of suspected persons, officials can establish absolute proof of the presence of identity of a person.

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CardLogix introduce the BIOSID PRO: Mobile Biometric Enrollment / Validation / Verification tablet.

2024-06-12T10:26:30-07:00Categories: News Room|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

The BIOSID PRO is a biometric enrollment, validation (AFIS) and verification tablet with the capability to store and verify