The STMicroelectronics STSAFE is a secure element smart card product range providing authentication, confidentiality and platform integrity services to protect OEMs against cloning, counterfeiting, malware injection and unauthorized production.

Compliant with the most demanding security certifications, STSAFE secure elements are turnkey solutions developed through a trusted supply chain with pre-provisioned secrets and certificates, that include a set of software libraries and drivers for secure, seamless integration.

The STSAFE is a highly secure solution that acts as a secure element providing authentication and data management services to a local or remote host. It consists of a full turnkey solution with a secure operating system running on the latest generation of secure microcontrollers. The STSAFE-A100 can be integrated in IoT (Internet of things) devices, smart-home, smart-city and industrial applications, consumer electronics devices, consumables and accessories.

The device features an embedded secure operating system and is based on hardware that is certified to Common Criteria Evaluation Assurance Level 5+ (EAL5+). Each unit comes with a unique identification and X.509 certificates that aids secure device connection.

The STSAFE-J is a flexible solution based on Java Card operating system, which is freely available for customers who plan to run their own applet. The STSAFE-J runs the latest Java Card 3.0.4 and is GlobalPlatform 2.1.1 certified.

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