What are Biometric Smart Cards?
A Biometric Smart Card is a microprocessor-based smart card that stores biometrics within the smart card chip (Secure Element SE) for identification and authentication purposes. The biometric templates, including fingerprints, irises, face, and other modalities, are securely protected within the chip via encryption and complicated file access keys. Combining biometrics with smart card technology binds that cardholder’s identity to the smart card credential. It also increases the reliability of identity verification using two-factor authentication (2FA) 0r multi-factor authentication (MFA) and algorithmic digital matching. The manner in which the biometric templates are verified can be Match-On-PC, Match-On-Terminal or Match-On-Card (MoC).
Why Smart Cards with On-Board Biometrics?
Biometric Smart Cards are More Secure
Unlike a centralized, cloud-hosted database, a trusted silicon microprocessor chip (Secure Element) is both tamper-proof and hack-proof. Cardholder biometrics are stored within the smart chip and protected by a sophisticated smart card operating system. To ensure the protection and privacy of sensitive information, many government legislations have already prohibited the use of cloud-based systems for storing personal information, such as biometrics.
Most Reliable Identity Verification with Biometric Smart Cards
Multi-Factor Authentication (what you have, what you know, and who you are), is surpassed by the use of in-chip biometrics which bind the cardholder to the credential and digital identity. Digital authentication also ensures that devices are validated before authorizing access to data, including personal cardholder information that must be shared in emergency situations.
Verify Identity from Any Location with Biometric Smart Cards
Identity verification with live 1:1 biometric matching, whereby a live capture is compared against the biometric template in the chip, can take place from any location. The biometric data is stored in the portable smart card chip. The application does not require any external connection such as the internet, a local server, or other means to verify cardholder identity.
Protect the Privacy of User Biometrics
Storing personal cardholder information (biometric, biographical, and other data) in the trusted smart card chip reliably protects that data and reduces privacy concerns. The personal information is not shared across a large central network, which is significantly more vulnerable to hackers. Advanced safeguards within the chip ensure that sensitive biometric data stays safe and is not revealed to unauthorized parties.