MultiScan527 delivered to Illinois State PoliceGrugliasco, March 7, 2015 – Green Bit, along with one of our trusted partners just delivered the MultiScan527 through a major contract with the Illinois State Police. The MultiScan527 an all-new palm and fingerprint scanner will be particularly useful to law enforcement authorities.

Called Digital Major Case Prints, the new product at is notable for its ability to scan the edges of the palms and fingers as well as all so-called supplemental prints like full fingers rolled, rolled fingertips, rolled thenars and hypo-thenars. The company suggests that law enforcement officers in particular will benefit from this ease of use while working in the line of duty.

About Green Bit

Since 1997, Green Bit designs, manufactures and sells high quality and feature rich Fingerprint Livescans. Having all core competencies to build top-notch Livescans in house (optics, electronics, mechanics, software and manufacturing) Green Bit does not rely on any kind of third party IP thus guaranteeing always for high quality, reliability and consistency. Numerous international patents are proof for our innovative approach always looking to add a competitive edge to our partners Livescan

Image quality, usability, easy integration into third party applications and overall quality control guaranteeing for highest reliability is paramount for Green Bit. This quality driven approach is mirrored in our complete product line starting from single finger Livescans as the Dacytscan26/26i, the rolled and dual flats Livescan Dactyscan40i, our 10-print Livescan Dacyscan84c up to our high-end Palm Livescan the Multiscan527. Our product line allows our partners to efficiently and affordably address all possible application scenarios involving fingerprint biometrics may it be mass enrolment for large ID programs, background checks, criminal booking or any other identification scenario.

Our whole Livescan product line is supported by the same and most feature rich SDK, the Multiscan SDK, thus eliminating the need for multiplied integration efforts due to the use of different SDKs. In order to offer maximal flexibility the SDK runs on different operating systems: Windows, Linux and Android.

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